Helikon BDU Shirt and Combat Trousers 3-Colour Desert Camo
Intended for use during "battles", as opposed to "garrison" dress uniforms, the Battle Dress Uniform was used by the U.S. Armed Forces as their standard uniform for warfare situations from the early 1980s to the mid-2000s. Reminiscent of the Vietnam-era jungle fatigues, the BDU shirt and combat trousers first appeared in September 1981, and soon replaced all earlier camouflage pattern uniforms. Although since then it has been replaced in every branch of the U.S. Armed Forces, the BDU shirts and combats remain popular thanks to their construction and features and are still used by some U.S. federal, state and local law enforcement agencies or Special Forces teams, as well as in other countries worldwide. BDU shirts and cargo trousers from Helikon available at the UK based Military 1st online store offer all you could expect from classic Battle Dress Uniform: characteristic, comfortable and roomy cut, toughness and functionality. Plus 3-Colour Desert camo provides you with excellent concealment in the desert and arid environments.